Mt. Pulaski Historic Courthouse

Fall Festival, Sept. 6-7, 2013


Viewing times:  Friday, Sept. 6, 12 Noon - 8 pm, Saturday Sept. 7, 9 am - 7 pm




    The Mt. Pulaski Courthouse Foundation is sponsoring a Craft Show on Friday, Sept. 6 and Saturday, Sept. 7 during Mt. Pulaski’s annual Fall Festival. The only types of crafts which will be accepted are: Woodcarvings, Woodworkings, Paintings, Metal Arts and Photography.  If you wish to exhibit your craft item(s), please send a completed entry form for each entry to Ms. Carol Van Rheeden,  522 N. Marion St., before August 15, 2013.  This will allow the committee time to prepare the show information and organize display spaces before the arrival of the actual craft items.


1)   All craft items submitted should be creations made by the one submitting them.

2)   Actual craft items should be delivered to the Mt. Pulaski Courthouse on Wednesday, Sept. 4 between 2 and 6 p.m.  To
      contact the Courthouse call 792-3919.
(Barbara: 792-5126, Carol: 792-3860, Salt Creek Attic:  792-5117)

3)   Each item loaned should have an identification label on the bottom or the back.  Include owner’s name, address and
      phone number. You could use an address label with phone number added.

4)   A SEPARATE entry form must be completed for each item to be exhibited.  They must be turned in to Ms Carol Van
      Rheeden by August 15.   
(craft show entry form is at: or Salt Creek Attic, Mt. Pulaski)

5)  All items must be picked up on Saturday, Sept 7 between 7 and 8 p.m. or on Sunday, Sept. 8  between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m

6)  We will invite visitors who attend the show to vote for their one favorite piece in the show.  Winners of that voting will
     receive first, second and third prizes.

7)  We will take the best possible care of your craft items.  There will be Courthouse  Guides, Craft Committee members
     and Friends of the Courthouse at the Courthouse during the entire time the quilt show is in progress.  HOWEVER, we
     cannot be held responsible for the value of any item.  If this is a problem, please have your item covered by your
     personal insurance.

8)  Submit your entry form as soon as possible.  You will receive a claim form for each item when you bring your item to the
     Mt. Pulaski courthouse.  YOU MUST bring the claim form to claim your item at the end of the show.




(craft show entry form is at: or Salt Creek Attic, Mt. Pulaski)