Old Mt. Pulaski Hilltoppers in the News
<f< click on each name for information >

Harry Hahn
MPTHS Grad - 1953
Portrayer of Abraham Lincoln from 1961 - 2000
Comparisons of Harry Hahn to Mr. Abraham Lincoln
Joe Lucas
MPTHS Grad - 1951
Shriner Potentate 
USAF Col. Ret.
Ed Goodpasture
MPTHS Grad - 1943
Retired National Editor of the Baltimore Sun
John Schlitt
MPTHS Grad - 1968
Petra Band - Christian Rock Albums
Singer - Song Writer
Richard J. Schroth
MPTHS Grad - 1969
Author - Consultant - Speaker
Dr. Forest Van Hook, MD
MPTHS Grad - 1904
3-year All Western in Football at the University of Illinois
Northwestern Medical School Graduate
Leonore "Vaughn" Vonderleith National First Lady of Radio
b. 1894 in Mount Pulaski

Please submit information for other prominent Mt. Pulaski personalities to the WEBmaster



http://www.mountpulaskitownshiphistoricalsociety.com/mtpulaskiilWEBsite/MP Names in the News/HarryHahn/harry_hahn.htm